Super Saints really work!

Super Saints smiling

Bridget just received her own set of the Super Saints cards from our Parish after attending the summer Totus Tuus program this week. I guess I really should have tried this before…but I’m pleased to announce that these Super Saints cards really work! After briefly looking over the cards, we had an awesome game of Super Saints Showdown…playing a friendly game of Top Trumps with the cards. Bridget has already made her own connections between the saints (did you know that St Therese and St Kateri both died at the age of 24?) and she has a growing number of favorite saints.

Super Saints cards ST Mark
Super Saints learningShe has already been asking some cool questions about canonization…discovering that ‘Pre-C” means that the saint was canonized before the official process was in effect.

One of our commenters recently asked if the game was inhibited by the fact that there are only 18 cards currently available, noticing that the official Top Trumps card games include at least 30 cards. (Pack Two will be released soon!)

I’m happy to report…that even with only 18 cards, you may have to choose when to end the game as the cards are constantly traded back and forth. As the players get increasingly familiar with the cards, the questions are carefully chosen to win cards and inevitably different questions are asked with each match. You won’t believe how quickly you’ll discover and retain key facts about these holy heroes!

Super Saints laughing

I think that we have also discovered a THIRD way to play with the Super Saints cards. This version would be more of a “Clue” based game where a player reveals one detail at a time until the other player can guess correctly which saint is presented. This game can be quite challenging…and even though I made these cards…Bridget won the first match!



Super Saints 2015 b Square CoverWould you like to purchase your own Super Saints Craft Kit…to print up to 5 sets for your own home or classroom use?


Super Saints***UPDATE***

Full 54 card deck of Super Saints, professionally printed in a glossy cardboard box: NOW AVAILABLE!!

Super Saints



  1. Teresa kusatz says:

    I just LOVE this photo of Bridget! She’s a great model!

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