Feast Day Fun: St Joan of Arc

St Joan of Arc

May 30  is the Feast Day of St. Joan of Arc.

At a very early age, St Joan heard the voices of St Michael, St Catherine and St Margaret who eventually told her to help the king reconquer his kingdom.  At 17, she led an army, but was captured a year later and sold to the English. At 19, she was martyred for her Faith.

Welcome to Feast Day Fun: St Joan!

Excerpts from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families , various posts at Equipping Catholic Families and our Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO).

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1St Joan is the patron of soldiers and of France. Her short life  and her heroics leading an army in the early 1400’s give us an opportunity to explore some medieval crafts. Check out our Medieval Birthday Party in 2011,


our Kitchen Table Felt Castle


our Castle and Catapult crafts 

 Mini Cross Bow DIYthe Mini-Flaming Cross-Bow

 medieval 1

and our Homemade Armor



2 We’ve also been known to make Egg Carton Knights as our mascot for our family apostolate Arma Dei (Armor of God)

Read Why we started making Armor out of Egg Cartons and check out our Egg Carton Knight Tutorial!


3 In honor of St Joan’s patronage of France, we would suggest some French cooking! Check out French Onion Soup, and How to Make French Crepes at Spicey Foodie (hey, I think Nancy looks a little like me =)

…and 44 Classic French Meals You Need to Try Before You Die.

I’ve collected some recipes, along with some more medieval crafts on my Feast Day Fun Board on Pinterest


Pinterest Collage St Joan Arma Dei

Hey, do YOU

Follow Monica on Pinterest, yet?!

St Catherine St John St Joan St Gemma4

Can you  pick out St Joan? Leave a comment if you know who the others are as well (but don’t name them in the comments…keep them guessing! =)

Check out our Gallery of Wooden Painted Saints posts!



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Eager to learn more about St Joan of Arc or view some awesome pics or videos or gather more crafts and activities?

where everybody knows their name

Visit St Joan of Arc on SaintNook!



Saints linkup button 2014

St Joan of Arc, pray for us!

Do you have your own family activities, traditions, crafts or celebrations to share for this special Feast Day? Don’t forget to add it at the Celebrate the Saints Link-Up…or pick up an idea or two for your family to enjoy! Treasure Chest and Saint Scripts Kits

This is the another edition of Feast Day Fun…offering excerpts from

A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families

and Saint Scripts Craft Kits (Series ONE and TWO).


  1. Monica, these are darling! She is a powerful saint, and one that resonates with both boys and girls. Thanks for sharing your projects to celebrate her feast day!

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