A couple weeks ago, we converted Lacy’s Printable Peg Dolls from the 3.5″ size to our 1.75″ size wooden dolls and we posted a tutorial with the conversion details and some tips here: Decoupage Saints.
With the release of Lacy’s new Passion Set of Printable Peg Dolls, I just had to crack open my little wooden dolls and paints. Just like the last time, I opted to have the little body printables printed at Staples because I found that the color was much more vivid and easier to match with paint! The ink from these prints also doesn’t run with mod podge, so there is no risk of muddied-up little painted saints!
I painted the heads of all 11 figures and made 2 sets to boost efficiency. Turning one set of pegs over to little Adam, I don’t worry about losing pieces throughout the house. Adam finds the most interesting places to play with the little wooden saints. I just found St. Juan under a couch cushion and Blessed Mother Teresa in the soil of a potted plant.
I added the body printables to the saints, using the templates as a guide for keeping them organized and matching the right body templates with the painted heads.
As always, I took some liberties with Lacy’s recommendations and painted many of the saints in my usual big eye style. I also pictured St. Peter a little younger (gray highlights in his hair instead of old man hair) and I pictured Pontius Pilate older with white/gray hair and a Roman gold leaf wreath on his head. I’m probably drawing from the Jesus of Nazareth movie that we watch every year. Great, now the Jesus of Nazareth soundtrack is running through my head.
Once the body printables are added (glued on with mod-podge), I touched up any glaring seams with paint, added long hair or continued veils over the shoulders and made any other last minute touch-ups.
I added the mod podge, first over the body (holding the figures by their heads).
I then painted the bottoms of each peg, adding a red dot to distinguish this set from the others.
Once dry, I coated the bottoms with mod podge.
Once dry, I coated each head with mod podge, smoothing any thick parts especially around the neck onto the previously coated bodies.
I allowed the little painted saints to dry thoroughly over night.
I was excited to add the new set of Passion Play Painted Saints to my Egg Carton Passion Play Set from last year!
The figures of Simon of Cyrene, a grieving Mother Mary, St. Veronica, Judas, St Peter, Pontius Pilate and Roman guards allow a complete Passion Play based on Scripture readings, Sorrowful Mysteries or Stations of the Cross!
The egg carton offers multiple ‘sets’ for the Public Ministry of Jesus and the Last Supper…and the little individual egg cups offer building interiors (Last Supper), Garden of Gethsemane (Agony in the Garden, Arrest of Jesus), Courtyard (interrogation by Pilate, scourging, crowning with thorns), exterior views (carrying cross, crucifixion) and an empty tomb!
The chopstick cross fits easily in the holes (already part of the egg carton) and a tiny Rainbow loom or hair elastic actually secures Jesus to the cross, as seen in last year’s set with my wooden painted saints.
Once again…the Printable Peg Doll Passion Set PDF is available over at Catholic Icing.
The tutorial to convert Lacy’s 3.5″ wooden peg dolls to the 1.75″ wooden peg dolls is here: Decoupage Saints
The smaller wooden peg dolls I use are from Casey’s Wood Products*
This smaller size of wooden peg doll is AWESOME for play with Lego, Fisher Price and similar-sized playsets….and egg cartons!
They also fit nicely in plastic Easter eggs (see 50 Days of Easter activity), and many Lent and Advent calendars!
*these smaller peg dolls are only 12 cents each if you buy 100 of them!…and they ship to Canada! This is not an affiliate link. (I don’t receive any commission for your purchase at Casey’s.) I just love their products and their customer service …and speedy and reasonably priced delivery to Canada (not all companies ship to Canada!)
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