Feast Day Fun: Epiphany and Felt Kings Tutorial

3 Kings RGP

For a number of reasons including a significant blog breakdown and a one-day window to get our Christmas tree to the curb, the Feast of the Epiphany  was a little quiet at our house this year!

Epiphany at Slice of Smith Life

Many families celebrate this last day of the Christmas season with a party, celebrating the Kings arrival at Jesus’ Crib. This celebration no doubt includes King Cake…and finding a coin or ring (or Baby Jesus) inside it! Some families even let the coin- or ring-finder be King (or Queen!) for the Day!


There is also a tradition of marking the front door with the numbers of the new year along with the initials of the 3 Kings. You might have seen both festivities at the Smith House this year…at A Slice of Smith Life.

Here’s my tutorial for making the 3 Kings with our FREE Felt Friends tutorial!

3_Kings_Tutorial_11. Gather materials: felt, skin-color flannel, pipe cleaners, sewing supplies, (sewing machine for quicker work!), decorative ribbon and the pattern from the FREE Felt Friends tutorial

Optional: strong magnets for hands

2. Fold a piece of flannel in half, big enough to fit the figure template. Draw the outline of the figure on the top piece of flannel.

3.Quick method: Use the sewing machine to trace the outline of the figure, leaving one 1″ hole in the side of the figure OR sew the entire figure and cut a tummy incision that can be hand sewn closed after the figure is stuffed.

Slower method: Hand stitch the figure closed with the Whip Stitch. See Peek Sheet of Stitches in the tutorial!

The figure can be turned inside out to hide the stitching, but deliberately NOT turning the figure inside out and not hiding the stitches …adds an extra cute appeal.




3 Kings Tutorial 2

4. Using the configuration in the FREE tutorial, form the skeleton out of pipe cleaners and carefully fit inside the fabric figure. If you are using magnets to increase the figure’s pose-ability, add them to the feet and hands before you add the stuffing (cotton balls, fabric scraps, cotton filling)

5. Trace the figure (adding 1/4″ margin) and cut 2 layers of felt for loose-fitting garments, sewing the 2 pieces together, leaving openings at the hands, feet, waist and head.

6 Decorative ribbon trim can be added to the garments with glue, or more securely sewn in place.

7. Embroidery thread is used to add hair and to embroider the facial features. More instructions are included within the FREE tutorial.

felt friend dressed

You can make Saints, Nativity figures, Family Members, Priests and Popes with this tutorial, just by changing the felt, hair and facial figures…and clothing!

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