December 8th is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. This Feast Day does not celebrate Jesus’ Conception, but rather Mary’s conception within the womb of her mother, St Anne. This special day appropriately occurs 9 months before the Birth of Mary within the Liturgical Calendar.
Feast Day Crafts and Activities
Excerpts from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families , various posts at Equipping Catholic Families and our Saint Scripts Craft Kits
I really like the way Lacy at Catholic Icing explains the real meaning of the Immaculate Conception and the adorable paper ornament she offers in her new Printable Advent Saints. We just had to make a couple for ourselves!
In honor of this Feast celebrating Mary’s conception, let’s pamper pregnant mothers a little bit on this day. If you know of a pregnant mother, bake some cookies to satisfy those cravings…or offer to borrow some of her other kids for a couple hours and give her a little quiet time!
To celebrate the sin-less-ness of Mary from the moment of her conception, how about a PURE WHITE DINNER? Stick to white fish, white rice or white rice noodles with white cream sauce and white cauliflower with white cheese sauce. Remember to leave out the dark spices from your recipes…and serve with a tall glass of white milk!
Dessert is the fun part! Look in your favorite cookbook for white cake with white icing or make meringue cookies and inject white whipped cream with a cake decorating syringe.
White cupcakes with white icing or vanilla ice cream are always popular as well! Grate white chocolate or add white sprinkles to decorate!
We have quite a few crafts to ensure Mary’s presence in our home! Which ones would you like to make?
Egg Carton Mother Mary requires about 6 cups of an egg carton, scissors, glue, paint and clear varnish.
Many dolls can be converted to be saints…just like this TY Doll!
You will also notice the little Wooden Painted Mother Mary (Queen of Heaven) in this same picture. Check out our Wooden Painted Saint Tutorial!
Do you have your own family activities, traditions, crafts or celebrations to share for this special Feast Day? Share in the comments!
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