The Season of the Nativity by Sybil MacBeth has just been released by Paraclete Press (publisher for Dragon Slayers, another favorite book of ours here at Equipping Catholic Families).
While the book is not specifically Catholic, the self-confessed Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Extremist (author) does an incredible job of mapping out thoughtful and spiritual practices to keep the meaning in Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. The author was introduced to Advent and the Liturgical Calendar from the Episcopalian perspective…and she seems to have retained a love for the Liturgical Calendar and the rich traditions that unfold throughout the seasons and are modeled by the Saints.
Sybil is creative. She offers an artistic way to pray in her Praying in Color series of books. She says that she is not an artist, but she is also no stranger to coloring and drawing as spiritual exercise and prayer. She suggests drawing or doodling a square of a calendar each day while praying for a special intention or reflecting on a passage from Scripture…as a unique and creative and thoughtful calendar you’ll want to keep!
The Season of the Nativity offers Advent practices and activities including the use of the color purple, Scripture reading, story-telling, advent calendars, praying in color, advent wreaths, advent candles, Advent/Christmas trees, “Hope” tree, paper chain, plant-growing, nativity sets, Mary and Joseph journeys, hidden shepherds, acts of kindness, charities, donations, God’s Presence and thankfulness poster boards, praying Advent words, singing Advent songs, talk about Angels, Mother Mary, quiet time, prayer, family dinners, purple lights, star-gazing, Advent wall gallery (Nativity pics) and lives of the Saints…
The Season of Christmas practices and activities include Scripture reading, manger activity, Church, de-purple-ing the house to white or Christmas colors, slow-paced gift-giving, continuing the 12 days of Christmas, gifts for the Christ Child, family festivities, family visits, family sleepovers next to the creche or the tree, checking out Christmas lights, New Year’s Resolutions and year in review…
The Season of Epiphany practices and activities include Scripture reading about the three Wise Men, moving of the Magi to the creche, gifts for the King, paper crowns, gifts of light, hanging stars, white candles, Jesus stories including His Baptism, praying in color, Song of Simeon, Candlemas…
The book includes an Appendix of Short Advent Scriptural Passages and lots of colorful pictures and inspiring ways to celebrate Advent, Christmas and Epiphany this year!
You can order your copy of The Season of the Nativity through Paraclete Press! They graciously sent me my copy in exchange for my honest review because they knew it would appeal to the Catholic Moms and Catholic families who read my blog.
…if however, you are desperate to purchase this unique and creative Advent, Christmas and Epiphany book through Amazon, please consider using this handy dandy link:
It will actually send buckets of pennies careening onto a virtual Amazon gift card …to help me purchase more books to review on Equipping Catholic Families or possibly a much-sought-after book for one of my kids. Thanks for your support!
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