Saint Mail: St Blaise! February 3

Saint Mail February


If you read our Review of Saint Mail last month, you’ll know that we are enjoying a monthly subscription to Saint Mail and it’s helping us delve in deeper into the Liturgical Calendar. Each package comes with a special letter from the Saint, along with a holy medal, a craft, a coloring page, a holy card, a list of dinner talk starters and other activity ideas…along with a couple special little toys representing our newly discovered facts about the saint!

St Blaise Saint Mail 2

only a couple of the things we found in the Saint Mail package for St Blaise!

Reading about St Blaise and looking through all the little treasures in the package are really going to help our littles to understand the significance of the throat blessing at Mass this weekend! I think that they’ll probably recognize the prayer that the priest will say, after they read, color and assemble the ‘Blessing of the Throats’ page from the kit. They really liked the little candles in the package too!

The Saint Mail package gives Bridget the chance to be the little teacher…


…and Adam is just so happy to be big enough to take part in the lesson

Saint Blaise Saint Mail 4 and the craft!


Saint Mail St Blaise Craft 3I think that the birds (and the squirrels!) will be pretty happy too!

bird feeder


Do you want Saint Mail too?

Saint Mail St Blaise package

50 points if you know what Adam’s shirt says! Tell me in the comments!

(no commissions here…I just love this company!)

Check out January: Saint Mail: St Sebastian


  1. How can I get a copy of the St Blaise worksheet and card that you have from the Saint Mail?

  2. It IS a JPII shirt…but it says Xtreme Papa and shows him sporting shades. I love this shirt…bought it for my 3rd kid…and now my 5th is wearing it? =) I’ve got one my size too. Love JPII!

  3. Is it the JPII shirt? On a mission from God?

  4. I’m just guessing here: Adam’s shirt says, “Saint Mail” 🙂

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