This is the first time ever, my family has jumped into the Jesse Tree tradition.
First, I received an awesome 28-piece set of Jesse Tree ornament from Jesse Tree Treasures
…and then I made our Handprint Jesse Tree banner to display them!
Coincidentally, I had already signed up for a Jesse Tree Ornament Exchange graciously organized by Michelle, over at Liturgical Time.
I made my 30 ornaments and sent them off and received this box a couple days before Advent began!
Unfortunately…it took me until December 12, to take a good look at the ornaments.
The timing was great though…to receive a fresh set of hand-crafted ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree for my parents.
It made it super convenient to convince my Dad that they should in fact have a Christmas tree this year, as my Mom recovers from knee surgery.
So I decorated the tree…and these are the first 7 ornaments of the 2013 Jesse Tree!
Introduction of the Jesse Tree 1 Sam 16:1-13, Isa 11:1-10
Day 1: God Creation Gen 1:1-2:3
Dec. 2 Adam and Eve The First Sin Gen 2:4-3:24 Tree with Fruit or Apple
Dec. 3 Noah The Flood Gen 6:11-22, 7:17-8:12, 20-9:17 Rainbow or Ark
Dec. 4 Abraham The Promise Gen 12:1-7, 15:1-6 Field of Stars
Dec. 5 Isaac Offering of Isaac Gen 22:1-19 Ram
Dec. 6 Jacob Assurance of the Promise Gen 27:41-28:22 Ladder
Dec .7 Joseph God’s Providence Gen 37, 39:1-50:21 Sack of Grain or Coat
Watch for the reveal of Days 8-14 coming soon in
Jesse Tree Catch-Up Part 2!
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