Saints Books and How To Use Them!

Saints books

A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: 52 Companions for Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul (Ave Maria Press)

Great read for Moms!…You can read just a little at a time like I’m doing…and spread it out over a whole year!

I love this book, but I haven’t posted my official review yet, because I’m still reading it week, by week! I love the selection of Saints and Blesseds that Lisa has chosen to highlight and the insightful way she presents them! I know that it’s available by Kindle now ( I love reading on my iPad and highlighting text to sift through after) and I think I saw it available as an audio book, narrated by Lisa Hendey with Pat Gohn.

Illustrated Lives of the Saints II

I still have my original version of Lives of the Saints, published in 1974. I also have the newer Illustrated Lives of the Saints II (2005) …and it has great color pictures in a nice little hardcover book.

Great resource for the whole family!

I like how the Saints are presented in order of their Feast Days, with their vocation (Religious, Martyr, Virgin) and patronage. Each little biography ends with a prayer inspiring us to imitate the particular saint. This will be an awesome reference if you want kids to research saints in the Saints Cathletics Craft Kits I’m hoping to release later this week! Plenty of answers will be included in the kit for easy reference, but there certainly is value in letting kids find the information in great reference books like this.

The Saints for Young Readers for Every Day, Vol. 1: January-June and Saints for Young Readers for Every Day, Vol. 2: July-December (Volume 1 and 2) are also great resources, with black and white pointillist drawings for some of the key saints.

Great resource for 9-12 year olds.

An index at the front lists the saints in order of their Feast Day and alphabetical index in the back lists patronage for easy reference. These biographies look great for 9-12 year olds and give a nice, detailed description of each saint’s life, followed with a little commentary of how we can apply what we learn from each saint in our own lives and how we can ask each particular saint to help us to grow in virtue.

Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints is a really big book! It’s a whopping 1008 pages!

Great for the Catholic family library and geeks like me who like to research the saints. =)

It’s the Saints version of those mambo encyclopaedias we used to pour over at the library, before the internet and google. It’s my final authority on any Saint I could possibly need to research, particularly when I’m putting together Saints Cathletics Craft Kits. (Really…stay tuned for their release later this week!!)


Can You Find Saints?: Introducing Your Child to Holy Men and Women is a fun book that I have reviewed at Equipping Catholic Families and I even included some other suggestions of how to use the book in your home.

It is great for all ages but perhaps more geared to the younger crowd than most of these other Saints books.

Pick a Saint, Any Saint is written and illustrated by our friends Brenda and George Nippert of Catholic Artworks. I love the illustrations and the thoughtful reflections on each saint…as well as the clever way they have arranged the saints into suits of a meaningful deck of cards! It’s a beautiful, full color book that presents 52 saints in a whole new light. My full review of this book is saved for another post…

Great book to inspire kids (9-12?) and foster devotion to the Saints!
First Book of Saints cover

Is My First Book of Saints kinda familiar? Maybe because I just reviewed it at Equipping Catholic Families!

Great resource for 7-9 year olds…wonderful First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Sacrament gift!

This is an excellent, colorfully illustrated book of 62 Saints. It will also be an excellent resource for the Saints Cathletics Craft Kits I am releasing later this week!

Once again…if you are interested in any of these books and happen to purchase them through the affiliate links I included…I will earn literally DOZENS of cents from your purchase. (Don’t worry, it won’t inflate the price. =) So far, I have earned TWO whole $10 Amazon gift cards, used to purchase more Catholic books…books that I will likely review on this site. Thanks for your support!

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