A few months ago, I was the WINNER of this awesome book over at Contemplative Homeschool, thanks to Connie and Catholic Family Gifts.
The truth is that I was hoping to get my hands on Can You Find Saints? after seeing it at a few Catholic conferences. It’s a great book!
First of all, I LOVE the Saints…and I love the information that this book gives about the Saints, the different categories it arranges the Saints in and the colorful Find Waldo kind of jammed-packed, Saint-filled scenarios!
Every page is a gem! I love…
…the full Mary-Montage showing Mary throughout Jesus’ life, the Rosary images and how she has appeared throughout the world.
…how the artist has a special symbol to represent those who were martyred for their Faith.
…how the saints are presented from the Bible…right up to modern times and how they look like they are having fun hanging out together.
…the little cartoon of a child in modern clothes within each scene, reminding us that Saints aren’t just from a long time ago: we are called to be Saints today!
… how some of the Saints are organized by their miracles, visions they received or the legends they are known for.
…how there is a separate Search just for the Saints who are mentioned in the Liturgy of the Mass.
….how it shows all the Pope Saints and the Nun Saints, and all the Saints who founded orders… hanging out together.
There’s even a month-by-month gathering of Saints by their Feast days.
There is a helpful “Parent Guide” about each Search, explaining some of the virtues we can learn from the Saints.
I really like how the Saints are presented…and I can say that this book is a magnet for the under-8 crowd in my family. I just love finding creative products like this: offering activities that are already popular with the kids (remember Find Waldo and I Spy books?), but filling them with facts about our Faith and mentors we can admire and learn from!
What I would like to do with this book:
Using my trusty scanner and friendly Staples printshop, I would like to make 4″x 4″ full color, laminated random cards, sampling the awesome saint collages throughout the book. I think compact little cards would offer endless entertainment, on-the-go… in the van, in waiting rooms…and maybe even at Church. I could make a memory game, but I think just having the isolated cards (separate from the descriptions and explanations) would encourage further study and observation of the saints. We could look for clues within the illustrations to determine how the saints are gathered and make guesses about what each character was like, based on their actions or expressions (my husband does something like this with my kids in parking lots, but that’s another story…)
Even without creating little travel cards…this is an excellent book for kids and promises hours of entertainment.
…and favoring my sneaky-Mom intentions, they’ll probably learn ALOT about the Saints…without even realizing it!
To quote one of my favorite Catholic bloggers ….”Because I will earn literally DOZENS of CENTS” with your purchase of Can You Find Saints?, here is my fancy-pants Amazon affiliate link:
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