This post is a continuation of a new series on Unique Gifts for Catholic Teachers, Catechists and Grandparents! Our Guess Who?! series of FREE printables have been very popular this year: Guess Who?! The Saints! Guess Who?! The Cardinals! Guess Who?! The Popes! How about printing all three, laminating and trimming the templates and including them with a purchased game of Guess Who?!
The Guess Who?! templates are FREE for private use. (Please do not print these templates for items to be sold and please don’t make copies of these digital files: instead, please recommend www.equippingCatholicfamilies to friends and let them discover their own favorite Catholic Printables as they become subscribers of Equipping Catholic Families or “like” our facebook page ). The templates can be printed, secured to bristol board or contruction paper and laminated on one side with a roll of clear adhesive from the dollar store. Please check the finished size and how it fits within the plastic Guess Who? form. (You will want to open the box anyway…to include the new Guess Who? templates inside.) Don’t forget to print your own set of templates for your family Guess Who? game! It’s easier to print, laminate and trim the templates all at once…than to do them as separate projects, one gift at a time!
nice resource
Sorry to say, you may NOT have configured it correctly. I can’t find the link anywhere to buy the game so that you get credit for it. I will purchase it through your account when you get it set up. THANKS for all the wonderful ideas.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for telling me that the amazon link isn’t configured correctly for the Guess Who? game. Doesn’t it lead to amazon when you click on the ‘Guess Who?’ picture? If you hover your mouse over the ‘Guess Who “Hasbro Games…Best Price $12.95…” picture, I think the link shows up with “equipping-20” embedded in the link. I’m hoping that that is sufficient…but I guess I haven’t been so successful with the amazon affiliate program. =) Please go ahead and purchase through that link if you indeed want to buy the game…I’m so curious to see if this works! Thanks for the comment and your diligence to help me get this to work!