Best Converted 2 Catholic Pins

Tumble Tower logoYear of Faith Tower Tumble: convert your family game so that kids learn Catechism while they play this classic game!

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tiny saints monopoly


Things to do with Tiny Saints! Use these awesome Saint charms as zipper pulls, wine glass charms and board game pieces!


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trouble 5 Trouble with the Saints! Catholicize your family game of Trouble! with Wooden Painted Saints!


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guess who game Convert your family game of Guess Who?! to Catholic with

Guess Who? The Saints!

Guess Who? The 116 Cardinals!

Guess Who? The Popes!


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  1. I’m agnostic now but I was raised in the Catholic church and my family is still quite involved in the church. My twin and my younger sister lecture sometimes for the mass. I will bookmark your site and send it to my sisters. Visiting from Marg’s Tuesday blog hop.

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