Jesus was celebrating the Seder Supper
AS He instituted the Holy Eucharist,
knowing that He would take the place of the Sacrificial Lamb.
Behold the Lamb of God,
behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
We’ve just posted our Simplified Seder Supper…it’s an excerpt from
reformatted into a neat 2 page printable with a couple new illustrations.
This is a sneak peek at the printable!
The Simplified Seder Supper Printable is officially $2, but it is FREE for Subscribers and our Facebook Likers!
New subscribers and fans inspire me to make new FREE printables! =)
If you subscribe to Equipping Catholic Families, use the code subscribed
If you “like” our Arma Dei facebook page, use the code liked
i just paid the $2 and have not received an email or anything so i can print it
I am a subscriber 😀
I am a follower. Thanks!
Facebook follower
thank you for your great idea for holy thursday
Thank you for this free download! I am a subscriber 🙂
Thanks so much for this. I see your posts via Facebook and through other Catholic homeschooling families. I homeschool my kids, but I think that this activity will work well with my 6th grade CCD class.
Thanks for sharing. I do follow you! God bless!
Seder meal is a must in the formation of young Catholics, or perhaps, more so for adults/parents who have forgotten the treasures of our faith and have relinquised their roles to the catechist…
Thanks Monica! I’m already a follower and I appreciate you providing this free download! My children always have a seder meal when they attend our Church’s Montessori program (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) as preschoolers, but now I’m glad I can try to incorporate this tradition into our home with your simplified and concise version! 🙂 Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter! God bless you for all you do and I love the new site! 🙂
Thx so much for everything you do. I don’t know how you do it but am so thankful you do. You make it much easier to teach Catholicism to my kids and keep it interesting. God bless.
I love this! Its simple enough to enjoy with your family before heading to the Evening celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. I am so blessed to have found your website/blog ~ may our Lord continue to bless the work of your hands and your beautiful family!
This is perfect! Simple enough to enjoy as a family before heading to the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper 🙂
LOVE your work/website … May God continue to bless what you offer Him and your beautiful family!
This looks wonderful — would like to have this supper during Holy Week.
You are awesome!! This web page is sooooo amazing Monica!!
Hi There,
I subscribe to the email delivery. I can’t figure out how to download this. I tried to “add to cart” and it says that it’s not available.
I really appreciate the work you do for this blog!
God Bless,
Just what I was looking for…had been planning to have a Seder meal for our kids on Wednesday but have gotten bogged down in debate (mostly internal) RE: meaningfulness, respect to Jews, and appropriateness. Now at a point where I am running out of time and lack means to pull it off. Thank you for providing this resource…
I am a subscriber. Thanks! This looks super easy!!