I think that the St Benedict medal is my favorite holy medal. I have many versions of it, including a beautiful gold crucifix, with the medal embedded in it. It’s a powerful sacramental and I’ve carried it with me or worn it during some monumental and stressful moments!
One of the inscriptions on the front of the medal is “Ejus in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur” which means “We desire you in our hour of death to be our armour by your property and presence.”
The sketch above depicts the back of the holy medal…and this is what all the letters mean!
….and they were sharp!
Thank you, thank you, Monica! We made these today and had a fun morning celebrating St. Benedict, including a “holy” lunch:) Just posted and linked back to you. God bless you for all you share!
Monica, this is great! I’m going to try this out with the girls next week.