St Benedict Holy Medal with free printable

Happy Feast Day of St Benedict!

I think that the St Benedict medal is my favorite holy medal. I have many versions of it, including a beautiful gold crucifix, with the medal embedded in it. It’s a powerful sacramental and I’ve carried it with me or worn it during some monumental and stressful moments!

One of the inscriptions on the front of the medal is “Ejus in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur” which means “We desire you in our hour of death to be our armour by your property and presence.”

The sketch above depicts the back of the holy medal…and this is what all the letters mean!

C.S.P.B.  = Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti = The Cross of Holy Father Benedict
C.S.S.M.L. (usually on the vertical part of the cross: oops, forgot that in my illustration!)
=Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux = May the Holy Cross be my light
N.D.S.M.D. (usually on the horizontal part of the cross: oops, forgot that one too!)
=Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux = May the dragon be not my leader
V.R.S. = Vade Retor Satana! = Be gone satan!
N.S.M.V. = Non Suade Mihi Vana = Entice me not with deceits
S.M.Q.L. = Sunt mala Quae Libas = What you offered is evil
I.V.B. = Ipse Venena Bibas = Drink your poison yourself
Inspired by Lacy’s Giant Miraculous Medal craft and Suzy’s Faux Tin Tiles,
I thought I’d try to make a giant St Benedict medal.
I cut a nice tin circle  by removing the crimped edge of a tin pie plate to make a nice sturdy giant holy medal, but it wasn’t too easy to work with …and the edges started to roll up
….and they were sharp!
Foil was much easier to work with and sharpies were useful to add color.
Taped to a circle of cereal box cardboard, it’s ready to go!
This is the template I made for the St Benedict holy medal.
Free Printable of  St Benedict Holy Medal


  1. ths

  2. Thank you, thank you, Monica! We made these today and had a fun morning celebrating St. Benedict, including a “holy” lunch:) Just posted and linked back to you. God bless you for all you share!

  3. Monica, this is great! I’m going to try this out with the girls next week.

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