Throughout the year, the Mystery of Christ is revealed. Beginning after the Feast of Our Lord’s Baptism, Ordinary Time focuses on Christ’s Baptism and then delves into His Preaching Ministry. The Scriptural readings at Mass focus on Jesus’ Teaching through parables and His Miracles.
Ordinary Time is intended to remind us that Jesus is with us throughout all of our daily trials and triumphs. We should be striving to reflect Jesus’ Teaching with our actions every day.
In A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families, the first Ordinary Time is devoted to Prayer activities and habits, encouraging us to treasure the classic prayers and devotions, commit to the Rosary and the Divine Mercy as well as explore new-to-us prayers passed down to us through the intercession of great Saints. We can also work on our own spontaneous prayers from the heart and hopefully inspire our children in their own meaningful prayer-lives.
If it is linked to a particular month of the calendar, be sure to share it at: Cele-LINKY with the SAINTS as well!
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Grab my Cele-LINKY thru the SEASONS button here:
I love this idea of Ordinary Time. Jesus is with us every day in everything that we do. We should be conscious of this and seek to do as He would do. Thank you so much for sharing this and for linking up with NOBH! Smiles –
ow comforting to know that He is with us . . . always! How important it is for us to know this. And our children. thank you for sharing on NOBH!
Thanks for hosting another wonderful Link up Monica. I find so many wonderful activities through your link ups.
Thanks for the Link-up Monica!! I love the image of Jesus and the sheep!