Homemade Nativities: Links of Light Bulbs (7) + linky!

Add your own Homemade Nativity to the linky below!
(1) Homemade Nativities at Equipping Catholic Families
from A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families
(2) Auntie Ingrid’s Knitted Nativity

(3) Shower of Roses Paper Nativity

(5) Felt Nativity from youcanmakethis.com pattern and instructions by pdf

(6) Edible Nativity from AOK Corral

(7) Magnetic Nativity from CutoutandKeep.net

(8) Modelled Nativity from Melanies Crafts

(9) Paper Nativity Dolls from MakingFriends.com
Thanks for linking back to this page to share our latest link-up with your subscribers!
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Links of Light Bulbs is brought to you by EquippingCatholicFamilies.com, a division of Arma Dei.


  1. Great collection of nativities. Here’s another one for you it’s finger puppets nativity with free patterns:
    A perfect tool to teach children.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I have a new post of a Nativity made with cereal and crakers. This is the link: http://familiacatolica-org.blogspot.com/2011/12/nacimiento-hecho-con-galletas-y-cereal.html

    Thank you for hosting this Link Up Monica!

  4. Wow! These are amazing!! I am definitely not this crafty but I enjoy seeing the results of people who are!


  5. What great ideas!! My favorite is the edible nativity… this idea might replace our gingerbread house tradition!
    Merry Christmas!1
    (I found you at An Oregon Cottage link up)

  6. TyKes Mom says:

    These are all so cute! I love the molded nativity figures, though I am certainly not crafty enough to make that work, lol. But the felt and paper ones my children would love! Thanks for sharing! I would love it if you would link up to my Frugal Christmas Week (http://the-north-forty.com/2011/12/04/frugal-christmas-week-link-up/) so my readers can check this out as well! Thanks!

  7. Love the idea! My blog is in Spanish but I think the picture talk by themselves. lots of good ideas my kids are going to be busy this Advent! Thank you! Caminar

  8. Yey!! I found my pictures!! It’s very simple, nothing like the other ones, but here it is. Thank you for the invite!

  9. Great idea for a linky! I love all the features. :o)

    Thank you for linking up to Make Yourself Monday!

    For Love of Cupcakes

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