Sorry to confuse things by posting this on Equipping Catholic Families, but if you would like to help us get the Catholic Bloggers Network website up and running again, please hit the add to cart button below. You can choose any donation over $5.07. Please kindly choose an amount with .07 so that I can keep donations straight and focused on the Catholic Bloggers Network!
We hope to have a Back to the Blog Catholic Bloggers Rescue Party once we’re back up and running…and we are considering a couple awesome treats and perks for all of those who made donations.
The download link you will receive for making a donation…includes a one pager of Prayer Resources with recommended book titles and links that can actually help you to pray…and to teach meaningful prayer to your kids. Thanks for your support!
(Please note: the default donation amount will appear as $10.07…you can change this amount to anything from $5.07 or more…please just include .07 to help me direct your donation to the Catholic Bloggers Network.
ALSO: please leave your Catholic blog link within a comment below so that I can include you in our next CBN event in a special way…in thanks for your donation!)
In addition to losing TWO blogs today, my van needed a jumpstart and a burst water pipe is currently flooding our garage and turning it into an indoor rink. Any financial support for Catholic Bloggers Network and/or any kind words or prayers…are much appreciated!
Prayers! I am happy to help and will continue prayers! Blessings!
Small donation made, I just wish it could be more. So sorry about the other troubles you are dealing with. Praying for you! God bless.
Thank you Carol of Simple Catholic Living
Happy to pitch in… and that includes with my prayers as well!!
Thanks Allison of Reconciled to you
Happy to make a donation. Hope it helps!
Thanks Sheri of Hearing God’s Whisper!
Thanks so much Sheri from Hearing God’s Whisper
Hoping this great site is up and running again soon! Thank you for all your hard work! Donation sent! God bless! Tracy @ A Slice of Smith Life 🙂
Thanks Tracy from A Slice of Smith Life These donations really help a lot!
Thanks so much Tracy from A Slice of Smith Life
Donation send…prayers!
Thanks so much Valerie from Handmaid with Love
thank you so much!
Thanks so much Emily from Conversation with Women
Thanks Ginny
You’ve had a rough day. Glad to help. God bless and have a wonderful Lent.
Thanks so much, Jaime of!
Small donation sent.
Thank you so much Emily of Our Home…Under Mary’s Mantle
Small donation and lots of prayers!
Thank you so much Monique of Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Small donation on the way. I wish I could do more. Thanks for staying on top of all this!
Thank YOU, Ellen of Leaven for the Loaf It really helps!
Prayers and a small donation! <3
Thanks so much Birgit of Designs by Birgit for the prayers and the donation! It all helps!!