This craft kit makes a good review ANY time of year of Jesus’ Public Ministry. It includes full Lenten Calendars (for all three Liturgical Cycles) AND postcard Prayer Prompts of all the key events with Gospel Reading references, illustrations and Prayer Prompts!
Use year after year during LENT…and ALL through the Year for Prompts to Pray through Jesus’ Public Ministry!
Gospel Graces
$27 $20 PDF Download
This Catholic Craft Kit includes 56 Prompt to Pray cards, one for each day of Lent (including Cycles, A, B and C). Each prayer card features an illustration and Scriptural quote from the particular Gospel for each day of Lent, along with a prompt to pray and a specific Gospel Grace or Virtue we can learn from the teaching and life of Jesus.
This Catholic Craft Kit also includes a double-sided, letter-sized, fully illustrated calendar with the same illustrations for each Gospel reading within Lent for Cycle A, B and C. Each 2-page calendar is presented in both color and black-and-white templates.
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