Feast of the Chair of St Peter

The Feast of the Chair of St Peter is on February 22nd and on this day, we celebrate that Jesus called (Simon) Peter to be the ROCK upon which His Church would be built.
St. Peter was the first Pope. While there might be a chair in Rome that St. Peter is believed to have sat on, the Chair of St. Peter represents the Papacy, the Office of the Pope and the Line of Succession of Popes.

Pope Francis is now the 266th pope in succession.

This is the first time our family has hosted a Papal Chair-making Competition. Here are the results:

Which one do you like the best?

These were the ingredients I was considering in preparation for our Papal-Chair-making event.

We had Chocolate Wafer Cookies, Celebration Cookies and a box of President’s Choice Belgium cookies,
along with some blue icing and sweet candies.


It was a fun project on a snowy Sunday! I even managed to catch Adam smiling in this selfie.

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